TRIO Educational Talent Search is a pre-college program that helps identify and assist 6th through 12th grade students from disadvantaged backgrounds particularly those who are first-generation college students or from low-income families. pg电子下载 State University has two branches of Educational Talent Search: Talent Search 61 North and Talent Search 61 South. Talent Search 61 North currently serves middle school and high school students in Claiborne, Warren, and Sharkey counties. Talent Search 61 South serves middle school and high school students in Jefferson, Natchez-Adams, and Wilkinson counties.
“Aiming to Matriculate”
The Talent Search Program identifies and assists individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the potential to succeed in higher education. The program provides academic, career, and financial counseling to its participants and encourages them to graduate from high school and continue on to and complete their postsecondary education. The program publicizes the availability of financial aid and assist participant with the postsecondary application process. Talent Search also encourages persons who have not completed education programs at the secondary or postsecondary level to enter or reenter and complete postsecondary education. The goal of Talent Search is to increase the number of youth from disadvantaged backgrounds who complete high school and enroll in and complete their postsecondary education.
- Academic Support
- Study Skills
- Academic Advising
- Career Advising
- Test Taking Strategies
- STEM Activities
- ACT Prep
- ACT Fee Waivers
- Postsecondary Enrollment Information
- College Admissions/ Financial Aid Assistance
- Scholarship Assistance
- College Tours
- Mentoring Program
- Cultural Enrichment
- Summer Program
- To meet with your Talent Search coordinator at least once a month
- To graduate from high school
- To gain exposure to college campuses
- To participate in activities that encourage self-expression, enhances cultural understanding, and builds confidence while teaching social skills
- To receive assistance in completing college and financial aid applications
- Students whose family income meets federal guidelines for low-income
- Students whose parents did not graduate from a college or university
- Students who do not meet either or both criteria may still be eligible for participation in the program based on their interests, needs, abilities to benefit from the program, and availability of positions in the program.
Who do we serve?
Claiborne County School District
Port Gibson Middle School
Port Gibson High School
Vicksburg-Warren School District
Vicksburg Junior High School
Vicksburg High School
Warren Central Junior High
Warren Central High School
South Delta School District
South Delta Middle School
South Delta High School
Wilkinson County School District
William Winans Middle School
Wilkinson County High School
Natchez-Adams School District
Natchez Middle School
Natchez High School
Natchez Early College
Jefferson County School District
Jefferson County Junior High School
Jefferson County High School