The joy of 4-H is seeing young people grow through their accomplishments. The 4-H and Youth Development program implements educational programs focused on developing life skills that influence productive adults. This program helps students foster positive self-concepts, establish effective interpersonal relationships, and learn practical skills for life applications. Youth aged 5-19 can be active members of the 4-H program by participating in camps, special interest programs, and school and community clubs.
- Youth Violence
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention
- Youth Career Development
- Tobacco Education
- Healthy Lifestyle Education
- 4-H Clubs
- Leadership Development
- Self-esteem
- Bullying and Peer Pressure
- Conflict Resolution
- Science, Engineering, & Technology (SET)

If you would like to learn more about becoming a 4-H volunteer, contact the Manola Erby, Youth Specialist [email protected]